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The pìg’s head is a gelatinous parto f the meat. Whole, it can be stewed or roasted. The ear, face and snout are excellent grilled or to add flavour to stews.

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A lean piece corresponding to the fleshy parts which are found on each side of the scout. When properly cooked they are tender, juicy and succulent.

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Lean meat

Minced, in fillets, or in cubes for brochettes, this cut incluyes the jowls, a tender and very flavour-filled meat which can be cooked whole, roast or stuffed.

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A specially lean cut which is usually used for fillets for grilling, or to be battered or roast in the oven.

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The leanest part of the pig; each of the two pieces of flesh which lie next to the spine and below the ribs. It usually comes in cylindrical form.

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This cut contains the bony parts of the rib cage, alternating between meat and bone. They can be cooked in many different ways.

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A lean meat and the most cometed part of the pig, despite its small size. It is juicy and tasty.

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This is the ‘thigh’ of the fore limbs, which can be used for minced meat, stews or fillets. It can also be cured, like ham.

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Front feet

They are a very popular cut in traditional cuisine. They can be cooked fried or in sauce. Their meat is juicy and gelatinous due to its high collagen content.

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These are the hind limbs. This is often dried and is eaten cured as well as in the preparation of cooked ham.

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As with the hands of the pig, this is a delicious lean meat. It contains proteins and collagen, both beneficial to the organism.

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Recipes of Shoulder
